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Meet Rita The Jersey Plant Babe

June 2022 | Davone Madison


I had the pleasure of connecting with a fellow East Coast women who i would love for you to connect with as well! Meet Rita The Jersey Plant Babe! 

Q: What is your name and where do you live?


A: My name is Rita and I live in New Jersey


Q: What do you do in the Cannabis Industry?


A: I’m a cannabis coach. I’m the owner of Plantaria, a cannabis lifestyle boutique. We provide services such as cannabis consultations, cannabis coaching. I work with clients 1-1 and guide them on their cannabis journey. I like to be very honest in my practice that cannabis is not a fix all. Cannabis can only get you better if you’re putting in the work, so in my coaching sessions we do a lot more than just learn how to properly dose for any condition and or occasion.  I work with clients on building sustainable habits to achieve their goals, and how to optimize and get the best results from the plant through mindful practices. Oh- and I’m also launching some merch at the end of May which I’m super excited for!!


Q: Tell me more about your business/products


A: Cannabis is such a diverse plant and it can offer so many benefits when dosed properly. The same way you consume when you are out with your friends shouldn’t be the same way you consume when you’re just trying to get over a bad brain day. Unfortunately, because of cannabis prohibition laws the regular consumer lacks a lot of the knowledge when it comes to using the plant for wellness. I say it all the time that – everyone is just consuming how they know how, probably from their friends, or media. Unfortunately, again – those practices can be often harmful and not sustainable. And if you want to be a consumer for life, if the plant really helps you feel good – at some point you must upgrade and work towards a more mature relationship with the plant.  I offer one-time consultations to provide clients with detailed cannabis plan so they can have a more targeted and personalized cannabis experience. And I also offer weekly coaching sessions, which is the Better With Cannabis programs designed to really upgrade ones relationship with the plant.


Q: How is your business changing lives in the cannabis industry?


A: Ah, good question. I think my business is creating awareness to peoples consumption habits. I’m helping people take control of their lives by properly using the plant to have a better quality of life!


Q: How do your family feel about your cannabis use? 


A: My immediate family is very supportive of what I’m doing. They have all witnessed firsthand how powerful the plant can be. Honestly, I’m so grateful to be supported by the ones I love the most. It makes the work that I’m doing so much more rewarding!


Q: Tell me what do you like to do in your free time? 


A: Free time? Ah I’m a mom to a super energetic 9 month old while running a new business in the highly censored cannabis industry..I miss free time these days! Haha But when I do have some time to spare, I really love to take care of my plants and I really love going on hikes!


Q: What is your favorite cannabis recipe or strain if any? 


A: I love me some White Durban!! It just always hits the spot for me..I deal with really bad depression and during flare ups I literally feel like doing nothing with my life. This strain..let me tell you – it does wonders!! It kicks me into gears, my whole To Do List gets done, no questions asked!!


Q: How long have you been smoking or eating cannabis and what made you start?


A: I’ve been consuming cannabis since I was a teenager. I started with my friends for no other reason than that they were doing it and it was a fun time. But my relationship with medical cannabis started 7 years ago when my mom was diagnosed with stage 5 cancer and given a couple months to live. When she consumed it was the best I had ever seen her since getting sick and I will be forever grateful to the plant for providing her with relief and lots of laughter during our last moments together.


Q: Do you have any medical conditions that made you want to use cannabis?


A: I remember dealing with depression and anxiety since a very young age – the earliest memory of my first anxiety attack was probably like 6 or 7 years old in school. At that time, I just didn’t know what it was..I thought it was normal, but after my moms passing the grief really intensified the constant feelings distress and it left me really sad. Without the plant, most days I feel numb, dissociated, I like to refer to feeling like a zombie. So once I realized how well the plant was able to change my mood, I became more intentional on consuming for relief during bad brain days.


Q: What are the changes you noticed in the Cannabis Industry since you started?


A: For so long the industry was about targeting stoners, all you’d see on social media was who could out smoke who and just a lot of the over consumption of the plant. And though, that type of content will continue to do better in numbers and is being watched my so many more people –I’m so happy to finally scroll and see content on using the plant for wellness!! Intentional and mindful consumption is where it’s at, and I’m happy to see content creators putting in the work to end the stigma.


Q: Are you a wake and bake woman?


A: Wake and Bakeeeeee!! Yes, most days I start my day off with a 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD  flower. It helps me feel alive and ready to conquer the day!!


Q: What are your future plans in the cannabis industry?


A: My goal is to make basic cannabis education accessible to the masses. I’m launching merchandise now and I’d really like to throw my first workshop event by the end of this year!


Q: Any last words or wisdom for a person who wants to know more about cannabis but is hesitant because of the stigma surrounding it…. 


A: Cannabis is such a diverse plant and it’s not a one fits all. If you’re curious to know more about cannabis, I’d say do your research and get educated, it’s the only way to increase your confidence!


Please follow Rita on instagram at